What is a Dental Crown?
What Are the Steps Involved in Dental Filling Treatment?

What to Know About Dental Implant Risks and Complications?

Dental implants can effectively replace adult teeth that have been lost or damaged. To replace a missing tooth, Dental Implant Specialist will drill a metal post into your jawbone. Then they place a crown on the top of your teeth, giving you a more natural-looking smile. Implants can help you eat and chew your food quickly and strengthen your hard bite.

Implants are preferable to dentures or bridgework when they function as intended. Dental implants can be more comfortable and durable than removable teeth. Still, they also require many treatments and have a small risk of problems.

How Do Dental Implants Work?

Dental Implant Dentist might advise implants if you are missing one or more teeth and your jaw is moving forward. All this will permanently fill your lost teeth. As robust as natural teeth, implants are durable, long-lasting, and can last a lifetime. The procedures for dental implant surgery are as follows:

If you have a damaged tooth, your dentist suggests teeth extraction, giving them time to recover before the following surgery.

preparing the jaw

A Dentist In Houston will check to see if the jaw bone in your mouth is sturdy enough to hold an implant once you have recovered from the extraction.

You could require a bone graft to enhance the density and encourage more bone formation. You'll have to wait a while before the subsequent procedure if you decide to acquire a graft.

Placing an implant

Oral surgery is required for implant installation. The gums will be sliced open by your dentist, exposing the jawbone. The metal implant foundation will be inserted during a bone-drilling procedure. It could take many months for the bone to develop around the implant and firmly retain it.

location of abutments

As soon as the implant has bonded to your jawbone, Your dentist will attach an abutment that rests above your gum line. Sometimes the abutment and implant are inserted simultaneously, and your artificial tooth will eventually be supported by the rod.

positioning of artificial teeth

A crown that looks like your natural teeth and is well-fitted is created by your dentist using the impression to provide both an aesthetic and functional look to your teeth. When the permanent crown is prepared, the dentist will affix the abutment.

What Issues Can Dental Implants Cause?

Sometimes, dental implant placement by your dentist could go wrong. A complication may arise due to the implant's placement or angle. Because it's possible that the implant won't correctly integrate with the bone, will be too close to neighboring teeth, or may become loose or hurt. You might need to have the implant removed or replaced if this occurs. Before obtaining a new implant, you should seek a different Dental Office Houston for the issue.


Suppose you have a missing or gap between the teeth. In that case, you should consider visiting a dentist to know the proper treatment and diagnosis. Also, you should ask what the Dental Implant Dentures treatment pros and cons are.

Article Source : https://www.worldofarticles.com/what-to-know-about-dental-implant-risks-and-complications/

What is a dental bridge?

What is a Dental Crown?

Teeth are essential for chewing and physical appearance, especially when we smile. So, if one of them gets damaged, the other can get infected. For this purpose, dental crowns are prepared to fix the issues that repair the damaged teeth. Dental crown are like tooth covering to protect them from damage, and they are specially designed and very durable. The cover is colored in the shade so that it can blend with the original natural color of your teeth.

Reasons you need a crown:

  1. Crowns protect weak teeth from further damage.
  2. Some cosmetic reasons to improve the discoloration.
  3. Repairs cracked tooth, broken tooth, or injured tooth.
  4. Restoring the tooth after a root canal.
  5. Fixing Large areas of decay that cannot be filled with a filling.

Fabricating a Temporary Crown

Fabricating a temporary crown over a tooth may look like a cosmetic necessity, but placing a crown over the damaged tooth is essential for many reasons.

In some cases, a temporary crown is beneficial for many tooth problems, like, it could be a cavity, worn tooth or enamel, cracked tooth, fractured tooth, gum disease, broken tooth, or exposed roots. As soon as your dentist discovers the tooth problem, your dentist will tell you the process to fix your problems.

How are wisdom teeth impacted?

Affected Wisdom teeth occur when the third molars become partly or wholly trapped in your gums or jawbone.

Feel lucky if your dentist says your wisdom teeth problem free. Wisdom teeth can cause many issues, for instance, damage to nearby teeth, gum disease, causes cavities. Many people have only one wisdom tooth that is affected.

Wisdom teeth come at the age of 17 to 25, and if they cause any problem, you may need a wisdom teeth extraction.

Symptoms of wisdom teeth:

Sometimes, the impacted wisdom tooth may not cause you any pain. But, if a wisdom tooth gets impacted, it can damage other teeth and cause other dental issues.You may find some of the below symptoms :
  1. Red or swollen gums
  2. Gums bleeding
  3. Pain in the jaw
  4. Feel swelling around the jaw
  5. Bad breath can also be a reason.
  6. Facing difficulty in opening the mouth.

Prevention to keep your teeth healthy

However, you can’t control your teeth from getting affected if you visit a regular six-month appointment with your dentist. Cleaning and regular checkups allow your dentist to see the growth of any dental issue, and regularly updated dental X-rays will indicate if wisdom teeth are affected before developing any symptoms.

When to see an Emergency Dentist?

You should recommend a dentist if you find any symptoms in the surrounding area of your wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth get impacted because it does not get space to come out.

Conclusion :

If you have severe pain in your tooth or find any problems like gum, tooth pain, or other dental issues. You may have to visit your Tooth Extraction Near Me Dentist and discuss your dental issues. Your dentist will remove the affected tooth, and you will feel relieved from pain.

Article Source : https://www.articleslurp.com/what-is-a-dental-crown/